Crystal castles game boy
Crystal castles game boy


If we scale it to the player, it's probably not a half-mile wide. Take the Dusty Dunes Desert in Earthbound. If we take the same logic and change the resolution, lots of spaces in games are the same. It invites your imagination to fill in missing information.

crystal castles game boy

The icon of a castle represents that there is a castle here, but isn't trying to literally depict it. If you visit one of these cities in the game, or in your imagination in the book, you aren't expecting a 1:1 correlation in size or number of buildings to the city you saw on the map. In old Final Fantasy games, or on the inside cover of Narnia books, the world maps often have drawings of castles or cities not drawn to scale. Let's talk about world maps for a second. So how did this become something so much more realized to my 10-year-old self? There's not even any art assets here that aren't everywhere else in the game it's just trees and cliffs. Wait, there's actually like nothing here? Just some caves? I was honestly surprised looking back at this that there weren't actually any real ruins, I remembered the crumbling stone structures so well. Let's take a look at the Ruins of Alph as they actually appear in the game. Brimming with mystery, dust floating in the sunlight between the crumbing columns, riddles to solve, baffling Pokémon. When I finally got Pokémon Crystal for myself, they were everything I dreamed of. I didn't even own a Game Boy and wouldn't until I saved up $20 to buy one off a high school-aged cousin in a year or two, but I loved these ruins, and would visit them when I played pretend in the woods. They'd be covered in vines, with gnarled tree root twisting over rocks. There would be ruins, like where they discovered Mew in the first Pokémon movie. What was being advertised here wasn't just the game, but the world of Pokémon Crystal. I was absolutely captivated by this place. He pulls away the vines and foliage to uncover a stone door with the Pokémon called Unown carved in relief. Instead, an Indiana Jones stand-in discovers crumbling ruins deep in a jungle.


It didn't show kids with Game Boys, or a bus driver crushing Pokémon in a trash compactor (this is an actual weird thing that happened in the '90s). The commercial for Pokémon Crystal aired in 2000, and unlike the commercials for Pokémon games before it, it was set within the Pokémon universe. This entry was contributed by Max Mraz, whose retro-inspired action-RPG Ocean's Heart launches on Steam today.


On the other hand, you have demakes of Resident Evil 7 and Resident Evil 4, so what’s not to love? Rustic Games BR has also done other cool demakes, such as Resident Evil Village done in the style of Resident Evil Survivor, as well as a demake of The Last of Us!Īnd, if you’re keen on demakes that you can play, check out the recently-released Bloodborne PSX, which Aaron says “hold onto the core of what made Bloodborne great”.ĭead Space is currently in development for the PlayStation 5, Xbox Series, and PC.Why I Love is a series of guest editorials on intended to showcase the ways in which game developers appreciate each other's work. Unfortunately, much like their other demakes of Resident Evil 7 and Resident Evil 4, this appears to just be a fun idea, and not intended for an actual release. Immediately, you’ll be conjuring up thoughts of Dino Crisis or Resident Evil, since the demake uses fixed camera angles and tank controls. In this case, YouTuber Rustic Games BR has created a “demake” of Dead Space, showcasing it as a 32-bit PlayStation title in Unity.

crystal castles game boy

It’ll still be some time before we get a good look at Electronic Arts’ upcoming remake of Dead Space, but as always, leave it to the fans to provide something to tide you over.

Crystal castles game boy